A Cobra for a Pet
A Man of Miracles
A Tragic Death
Sweet Memories
Simple Truths
And Then There Was One
His Light Still Shines
YOGA BOOKYOGA GURU SRI TAT WALE BABA -RISHI OF THE HIMALAYASVincent J. Daczynski(Runterrollen für die Deutsche Übersetzung)Introduction
In December 1988, I returned to India to retrace a path I traveled about twenty years earlier when I made a pilgrimage to Rishikesh to pursue spiritual unfoldment. I was trying to relive that short time in my life when I was blessed to find a secret India.
In the spring of 1969, I had been extremely fortunate to attend a training course with a god-realized saint, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. During that time I was also fortunate to meet Sri Tat Wale Baba when he came to lecture to our group at Maharishi's academy.
Since then, however, Tat Wale Baba had entered mahasamadhi and Maharishi had moved his ashram to the peaceful, secluded farm fields of Noida. Therefore, it was not possible for me to experience the past. Nevertheless, my return to India gave me the impetus to document the life of Sri Tat Wale Baba, one of India's greatest yogis.
Im Frühling 1969 hatte ich das enorme Glück einen Trainingskurs mit einem Gottverwirklichten Heiligen zu besuchen, seine Heiligkeit, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, es war eine der großartigsten Erfahrungen meines Lebens. Während dieser Zeit hatte ich auch das Glück, Sri Tat Wale Baba zu treffen, als er kam um unserer Gruppe in der Akademie von Maharishi eine Vorlesung zu geben.
Danach jedoch ist Tat Wale Baba in den Mahasamadhi gegangen und Maharishi hat seinen Ashram in die friedlichen , abgelegenen Felder von Noida verlegt. Deshalb war es für mich nicht möglich, die Vergangenheit zu erfahren. Nichtsdestotrotz gab meine Rückkehr nach Indien mir den Anstoß, das Leben von Sri Tat Wale Baba zu dokumentieren, eines der größten Yogis Indiens.